The Best Guide to Know What Is React
Lesson 1 of 12By Chinmayee Deshpande
Last updated on Jul 25, 202411610062

Table of Contents
What Is React?
ReactJS History
Why React?
ReactJS Keys
ReactJS Advantages
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The world can't live without mobile and web applications in this day and age. Everything is digitized, from booking cabs to ordering food to make bank transactions. Thanks to the efficient frameworks that provide a seamless user experience. One such robust frontend library is React. This tutorial on ‘what is React’ will help you understand the library's fundamentals and work with a simple demo.
What Is React?

React is a framework that employs Webpack to automatically compile React, JSX, and ES6 code while handling CSS file prefixes. React is a JavaScript-based UI development library. Although React is a library rather than a language, it is widely used in web development. The library first appeared in May 2013 and is now one of the most commonly used frontend libraries for web development.
React offers various extensions for entire application architectural support, such as Flux and React Native, beyond mere UI.